Apocalyptic Prepping

Have the Best When the Worst Happens

Apocalyptic Prepping

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Preparing for all disasters- from a job loss to a full apocalyptic event.

We don’t think the sky is falling, but its good to be prepared just in case it does. There are so many aspects of daily life most people take advantage of, from the air conditioning, to the ability to drive to a doctor and pick up a cheeseburger on the way.

We know that our great grandparents built their own cabin, had a homestead, and lived off the land. They lived a difficult life, and the skills they had and their way of life is still possible. We want to have those skills, but we also want to live in comfort through the apocalypse or any other event. The apocalyptic prepper mindset is to prepare a plan for every potential disaster or problem, from the biggest to the smallest.

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Most Requested Information:

Bugging out image

Bugging Out⇨

Bug out bag essentials checklist: Knife. Water Filter. Prescriptions including glasses. Paracord. Duct Tape. Copies of Personal Documents…

Food Storage⇨

Most people live paycheck to paycheck, but what happens when there isn’t a paycheck? Or what happens when there isn’t anything to buy with that paycheck?

weapons, defense, and tactical prepping

Tactical and Defense⇨

If you have a good food and water storage, and no weapon, and your neighbor is hungry with a weapon, you won’t have your food and water long.

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