Bug out bag jerky

Bug Out Bag Jerky

Food is so critical in a bug out situation, and aside from freeze dried food, jerky is one of the most common thought of nutrition additions to a bug out bag. Jerky is high in protein and has some fats. It’s dense in calories and nutrients, great for refueling your body. Jerky also happens to be one of my favorite treats. I buy jerky, make jerky, and eat more than my fair share of jerky. Jerky is essentially preserved meat that, if done right, is shelf stable for a year or more. We’ve identified the options that fall more along the “or more” time line, that will last in your bug out bag for quite a while.

Best store bought jerky for a bug out bag

Slim Jims

The average shelf life for store bought beef jerky is about 1-2 years, or generally a year past the best by date. This could be longer depending on the conditions of how its stored, and the jerky in question. Slim Jims are kind of the exception to this. These guys are certainly not my favorite beef jerky on the market, and leave me with plenty of heart burn, but this is essentially the Twinkie of the beef jerky world. These things won’t last forever, but there are accounts on the internet of people eating these years after the best by date with no adverse affects. This is our go to for longevity. Additionally, we love that they’re compact little sticks, vacuum packed. They’re very compact, and great for being able to add to your bug out bag without adding a lot of bulk.

We also found this bulk deal on Amazon that’s extremely reasonable. At the time of our posting this, its the cheapest cost per stick bulk deal Amazon had.

Jack Links

I’ll be honest, my own personal teriyaki jerky recipe is my favorite, but I can’t find that in every store in America, and whether I’ve got any on hand is dependent on whether I’ve killed a dear within the last 3 months. I can’t seem to stretch it any longer than that, no matter how hard I try. I still love me some Jack Links Teriyaki beef jerky. It’s simple, and tasty. I don’t think it’d last as long as the slim jims, but you’d enjoy it more. We also recommend cycling out your bug out bag food every 6 months to a year.

We love this multi pack because my wife prefers original, while I get my teriyaki. We also recommend the smaller single serving containers in a bug out situation because not all of your jerky is in one basket. By having it in the multiple containers, you’re more protected if one bag gets punctured for instance. Additionally, on Amazon this multi-pack also currently had a 15% coupon code, though that’s subject to Amazon removing that at any time, as they can adjust prices and promotions at any time, so you’ll just want check on that yourself.

Bug out Bag DIY Jerky

Maybe you want to make your own jerky for your bug out bag. I kill a deer most years, so I fall into this category. I make a fair amount of jerky. You can definitely use your own home made jerky in your bug out bag, but you’ll want to make sure you’ve stored it properly. If you’re looking to make your own jerky, you’re probably not going to pump it as full of the unnatural preservatives as many of the commercial brands, but you’ll still want it to last. For more information on the subject, we recommend our article- How to make your jerky last longer. Jerky is one of the few home made, DIY foods we’d put in our own bug out bags. For other options, check out our article Homemade bug out bag foods.

Other Beef Jerky Bug Out Bag Thoughts

Beef jerky is a great morale booster if it also happens to be something you love. Having a pick me up is so important while you’re under the stress of a bug out situation. This is especially true for children or pets as well. We strongly recommend that if you have a dog you’ll be bugging out with, beef jerky is a great addition to the dog’s bug out bag as well. That way you’ve got a treat that both of you will enjoy, and will boost both of your morale.

What’s the Status of Your Bug Out Bag?

Food is obviously is a vital part of your bug out bag, but you need all the right gear in a SHTF scenario, and there is little margin for error. When your life depends on it, you want to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. For that reason we put together an extensive bug out bag checklist to help you determine if you’re prepared, should you ever need to get out of dodge.

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