The Difference Between Oxygen Absorbers and Silica Packets

The Difference Between Oxygen Absorption Packets and Silica Packets

We’ve all seen those little white packets that say do not eat that come in food or in packages, but what are they? There are actually 2 different types of these do not eat packets. So what’s the difference The ones that come in food are oxygen absorbers and the ones in packages are silica packs. So what’s the difference between oxygen absorbers and silica packets?

Silica absorbs water and oxygen absorbers absorb oxygen. That’s the main difference between oxygen absorbers and silica packets. But here’s how they actually work.

How Oxygen Absorbers Work

Oxygen absorbers are filled with iron powder. This iron powder reacts with the oxygen, essentially causing it to rust. This reaction also produces a small amount of heat, not enough to really cause any change in food, but it should be noted. It takes about 4 hours, if there is sufficient oxygen, to completely use up the effectiveness of one of these packets. After that time they no longer produce any heat, or absorb oxygen.

Oxygen absorbers are used in for storage to help keep bugs out of the food. Without the oxygen, these little nasties can’t survive. It should also be noted that hand warmers work in a similar way, and some people even use those in food storage, though we don’t recommend it.

Oxygen absorbers need proper care and handling in order to have them work effectively. See our article on proper use of oxygen absorbers.

How Silica Packets Work

Silica has an average pore size of about 2.4 nanometers, and is attracted to water at the molecular level. Silica is a hard substance, usually bead like in commercial form, and is translucent and hard. Essentially, its porous, and it pulls in water.

Silica packets are often used in gun safes or in ammunition storage to keep primers and powders functional and dry. They are also used in other applications where keeping moisture down is essential. Silica packets can be purchased for these uses.

What Silica Packets and Oxygen Absorbers Have in Common

The main similarity between silica packets and oxygen absorbers is that they’re both usually marked DO NOT EAT. Silica packets are technically non toxic, but the silica powder can irritate the digestive tract, respiratory system, and skin and eyes.

Inhaling too much crystaline silica dust it can cause silicosis. Silicosis causes inflammation and scaring in the lungs and is similar to pneumonia or tuberculosis. While serious, this mostly common in miners and craftsmen who work with silica material. It’s not as much an issue for just using the packets though.

As far as oxygen absorber packets, the iron inside isn’t necessarily dangerous, as long as you’re not consuming a lot of it. Essentially, you’d need to eat a lot of packets for the iron to really be dangerous.

There is also the risk with either packet, which are 1″x1″or bigger, that a person could choke on it. I would just do your best to avoid eating either and don’t let children or pets around them unsupervised.

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