Using irish spring soap to repel rats

Using Irish Spring Soap to Repel Mice and Rats

You heard about using Irish Spring soap and you thought, this can’t be true. Using Irish Spring soap works to repel mice and rats? No way. Well, there may actually be some truth to this.

Does this actually work?

There are mixed results all over the internet of people saying this is an old wives tale, and others who swear by this. The bad news is that your local mice or rats might not be repelled by Irish spring soap. The good news is that Irish spring soap isn’t expensive, so if it doesn’t work, you’re not out much, and the soap still works as… soap.

Some people have reported that it worked for mice, but not chipmunks, some swear by it for everything, and some people say it doesn’t work at all, though from my reading of forums, Facebook groups, and internet articles, about 80% claim its not effective for chipmunks.

We recommend that you try putting a little bit of the soap in a high traffic rodent area, and see if it keeps them away. If it doesn’t repel mice or rats, and you find fresh droppings in the soap, or even bite marks in the soap, your mice, rats, or other rodents aren’t going to be fazed by it. Move on to other methods.

What do you need to do with the Irish Spring to Keep the Mice and Rats Away?

Shred the soap with a cheese grater. Place the shredded soap flakes along edges of your house, or areas you are having a mouse or rat problem, behind cabinets, in corners, and especially in basements and crawl spaces. You can even sprinkle it along the exterior of the house.

The scents and perfumes in the soap are what is supposed to keep the rodents, the mice, rats, etc. out.

Benefits of Using Irish Spring to Repel Mice and Rats

  • One of the biggest benefits of using Irish Spring soap to repel mice and rats is that its completely safe. It’s nontoxic, so it would be safe for pets, and safe for you to do it yourself
  • It’s a low cost, low risk option. Irish Spring is really inexpensive, and it won’t harm any surfaces.
  • It’s nonlethal, so if you want to avoid harming the little critters if you can absolutely avoid it, this is a real option that could solve your problems

The only real con to this is that it might not work, but again, its a low risk proposition. How low risk? We found a super inexpensive option available on Amazon for a pretty big multipack.

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