Pantyhose for Ticks

Pantyhose For Ticks

How many of us have to deal with the pesky tick? I might hate mosquitos more in general, but I hate seeing a tick on me worse than I hate seeing a mosquito. Ticks are just gross little vampire bugs, and I do everything I can to keep them off me, and I’ve recently learned a hack to do just that.

I wish I would have known about this hack when I lived in the Midwest. One Indiana summer I went out scouting for deer in the woods near our place. I got it if the woods, looked down, and there were probably close to 50 ticks on my legs. They were all over. Most weren’t in deep yet, but it was just gross.

THE HACK: Pantyhose Keep Ticks Away

* Pantyhose* (stay with me here men).

The hack is not to send a woman before you in her skivvies as bait. Granted, I didn’t test this method, but my wife tells me its bad for your health to even ask, just to warn you gentlemen.

The consensus from several forms I’ve read is that pantyhose keep the little Ticks from latching on. So wearing pantyhose beneath your cool camo (you don’t need to let anyone know but your wife gentlemen) keeps the blood suckers away. That thin layer of nylon is enough to keep them out. It’s pretty much like mosquito netting for ticks.

But wait… there is more.

In cold weather Pantyhose make a great base layer to keep you warm. We all know in winter it is all about the layers.

They can also reduce friction and blisters when breaking in shoes. I was a collegiate track athlete, and many of us used small nylon like socks. Running distance with those greatly reduced blistering and heat in our shoes.

This cheap item from even the dollar store can do so much more than give you sexy legs.

Other things pantyhose are good for…

• Filter- Now they won’t filter your water but in cases where there is debris (sticks, leaves) you can pre-filter the water to eliminate much of the larger particulates

• Food drying – place the food inside and hang. (you can tie off sections in each leg for separate compartments. Good for garlic, onions, and shallots.

• Weaponry – Place a rock in the end and tie off, like David fighting Goliath you will be a force to be reckoned with. Granted, we have other Alternative Weapons we prefer, but if you’re in a pinch, this will work.

• Ladies how about a hair tie?

Fishing net

• A pouch

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